Glee Wiki
Glee Wiki

Hey guys! I'm Danny. It's highly likely I've auditioned for one of your fanfics before, so you may know me from there. I'm starting my first fanfic here!


I'm going to post tomorrow who's gotten in along with spoilers for Episode 1, which will be released early next week. If you haven't gotten in, I'm very sorry and you'll still have the chance to audition later on if there are any guest stars I need.

I hope you guys are alright with this, and thank you once again for auditioning! It’s been a pleasure.

Jusqu'au premier épisode! :)


Unfortunately, I've decided abandon my previous fanfic attempt at present, since I just didn't get the number of auditions I'd hoped for.

I really appreciate those who did audition taking the time out of their day to fill in the form, and am so sorry to let down anyone who was looking forward to it. I'd be entirely willing to consider auditions for that page for this fanfic if the auditionees want?

It really pains me to abandon a project like this, and I'd really like to go back to that fanfic in the future. Hopefully with less of a lukewarm reception.

Again, thank you to anybody who was lovely enough to audition for me before, and I am so sorry to have let you down.

Anyway, onwards and upwards...

Vague Storyline:[]

"GLEE: The Second Generation" takes place in the future, when the former members of McKinley High School have left and become parents. The Glee Club's glory days are in the past, and the club is on the verge of being disbanded. In a final attempt before retiring, the aging Will Schuester decides to revive Glee and resurrects the New Directions one more time.

Follow the stories of the children of the old New Directions and other students as they journey through the dangerous waters of high school, along with the old New Directions, tackling the problems of parenthood and teenagers...

Here's where you guys come in...[]

So I'm holding auditions for this story.

I'm talking not just glee club members, but jocks, cheerleaders, bullies, nerds, other school stereotypes, teachers - whatever takes your fancy! Go nuts! :)

Please leave a comment below filling in this form if you want to audition:

§ Full Name (including middle names) and any Nicknames (if applicable):

§ Age:

§ Grade:

§ Gender:

§ Sexuality:

§ Religion (if applicable):

§ Description of Appearance:

§ Personality (fairly detailed to get a character feel - good points and flaws):

§ Parents:

§ Backstory:

§ Relationship History (if applicable):

§ Likes and Dislikes:

§ Hobbies/Extra-curricular Details:

§ Possible Portrayer:

§ Any ideas for storylines?:

§ Anything Else (any other knick-knacks you don't think fit into the above sections):


§ Audition Song:

§ Favourite Type of Music/Artist:

§ Any other songs:

Here's a list of possible pairings:

Finchel (Finn/Rachel)

Quartie (Quinn/Artie)

Samcedes (Sam/Mercedes)

Tike (Mike/Tina)

Britanna (Santana/Brittany)

Klaine (Blaine/Kurt)

Puck the Lone Stallion (Puck on his lonesome)

Wemma (Will/Emma) - NB They would have probably had children before the former gleeks (mainly due to age), so I'd really prefer any potential Wemma children to be college/university age or above (not to say I won't focus on them).

Any other characters from the existing Glee universe with OCs, so Karofsky, Azimio, Jesse St. James, Lauren, Sebastian, etc...

Of course, feel free to audition OCs who aren't children of existing Glee characters if you wish. It's perfectly believable that not all of new glee club would be comprised of old students' kids, so if you have an OC with no existing ties to Glee, I'll definitely accept these auditions as well.

A couple of important points...[]

Please try and follow the above form! I know a lot of people just copy and paste previous characters, which I don't mind at all, but if you could try and follow the form that would be awesome!

The main glee club are a fairly small bunch (since I have one or two of my own OCs), so please don't be offended if your character doesn't make the main bunch! I will try and fit them in somewhere else (rival glee club, later audition, etc.) and make sure their storyline gets a fair crack. Don't get upset!


If you find anything else you want to add, go right ahead. And feel free to audition more than once.

I'm setting a tentative deadline at 27/04/2012 (next Friday when writing this), but let's see how this goes, shall we? :D If you have any questions or want further info, please leave a message on my wall. :)

